Refining Exercises

Detoxify your body and soul

What are Patanjali's Refining exercises?

Pranayama is control of Breath". "Prana" is a Breath or vital energy in the body. On subtle levels, prana represents the pranic energy responsible for life or life force, and "Ayama" means control. ... One can control the rhythms of pranic energy with pranayama and achieve a healthy body and mind.

How do Refining exercises work?

Daily pranayama trains the lungs and improves the capacity of the respiratory system immensely. Pranayama directly works on the nervous system. Daily Pranayama positively affects the autonomic nervous system which controls and governs essential functions of the body like the heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure, etc

Modern medical science has shown unequivocally that Pranayam has benefits for both mind and body. However, the exact mechanism of how it works remains a mystery. ... Thus inhaling breath affects both the mind and the body directly. Moreover, the air we breathe has a direct impact on our brain

What are the benefits of Patanjali's Refining exercises?

  • Improves the performance of the lungs, the heart, and circulation. A boon for asthmatics and people with heart problems.
  • Each cell of our body has organic memory. Because we do this exercise at the 3srb rhythm, the blood cells imbibe this rhythm and the heart pumps the blood to every part of the body.

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